Strafe Jump Script Cod4 15 Jose Hayes. 0 1. Use the Behance App for the best experience. Jump to Main Content. More Behance. LongJump Auto-Strafing Script. This.AHK script is used primarily for KreedZ (kz) servers. Information about this script;. All it does is press A+D and move . A Guide To PC CoD4 CoDJumping. by Lancast » September 19th, 2010,. Vartazian looking for timer script for a map finish. Cod 4 Strafe jump tips. Sep 27, 2010 i need some Crouch Jumps config code,which like this frag code : bind K "+moveup;+frag;wait 3;-frag;-moveup" Anyone can help me? THX! Sep 19, 2010 What you have to do, is start Call of Duty 4 on your current PC,. Strafe Jump is the most popular technique used in CoDJumping, . Dec 18, 2007 Iam looking for a script that will turn any single shot and burst weapon into a full auto. I use my left click on my mouse to fire. (logitech g7). Feb 23, 2010 You can make a script but there is no such thing as the "perfect strafe". Every jump requires a different angle so i'd say its impossible to . Aug 3, 2011 strafe skript :D. A Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (COD4) Config Script in the Other/Misc category, submitted by jamieXD2. View demo Sep 19, 2010 What you have to do, is start Call of Duty 4 on your current PC,. Strafe Jump is the most popular technique used in CoDJumping, . Dec 18, 2007 Iam looking for a script that will turn any single shot and burst weapon into a full auto. I use my left click on my mouse to fire. (logitech g7). Feb 23, 2010 You can make a script but there is no such thing as the "perfect strafe". Every jump requires a different angle so i'd say its impossible to . Aug 3, 2011 strafe skript :D. A Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (COD4) Config Script in the Other/Misc category, submitted by jamieXD2. View May 26, 2012 Good day all! I was wondering if you can help me with this? :/ i'm a bit of a noob so i'm using a 101 script, i would like to be able to jump off a ledge, but it didn't seem to work in multiplayer. And when I do jump and get to the ground, if I get stuck in the dirt and can't get out, It keeps respawning. Any suggestions to avoid this? i also have what I think is a good jump script :D. a Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (COD4) Config Script in the other/misc category, submitted by pudibread. Vliyha Sep 21, 2012 Strafe jump script code config : It's because the high frequency required for a strafe jump makes it too easy to jump and not be able to do a strafe. I just set it to one, since it's easier to do one strafe vs one up/down jump then to do those twerps of up/down, re-strafe it should work, but I've never played in the single player to confirm. Does it work? Is it too easy on low settings? Nov 16, 2012 funny was really really funny Nov 16, 2012 is there any difference of configs between using a racing's front & rear drive or a 2wd? i mean if we use 2wd & strafe jumping we can hardly hold them because we are feeling a mess with a double whammy of up/down then of not only re-strafe but also backward jump. The race uses force feedback but i find that counter-productive. And yes, steering is off. Nov 30, 2012 This config worked out great for me on lower settings. i actually never tried it before as i always hit sandbags the first thing you see, if not the first 2. If you don't hit sandbags at least once you shouldn't be getting stuck on sandbag. But if you get stuck a lot you should tweak this some more. Nov 30, 2012 How to configure game? My game always slow and it's pretty dull. I've tried with frames and lots of options, it didn't help much. Feb 10, 2013 About the cooldown timer, i think the "," should go, you got to skip e2379e7a98
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